
16 June-17 July 2022

Station Contemporary Art Gallery

Bratislava, Slovakia


8-21 June 2022

Largo Art Gallery

Varna, Bulgaria


8-17 April 2022


Hamburg, Germany


4-30 April 2022

Galeria Domu umenia

Piešťany, Slovakia


8-22 March 2020

Galerie Epreuve d’Artiste

Antwerp, Belgium

July-August 2019

Gallery of Mikulas Galanda

Turcanske Teplice, Slovakia


April 2018

Hroznová Lhota

Moravia, Czech Republic


December 2017

A Kíváncsi Elme

Séphárom Budapest, Hungary

October 2017

60 x 60. The Wondering Mind

University of Calgary, Canada


October 2017

60 x 60. The Wondering Mind

The Edge Gallery, Canada 


March 2017

The Wondering Mind

Ara – Institute of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zeeland


October 2016

60 x 60 The Wondering Mind

Museum Waterland Purmerend, The Netherlands


September 2016

60 x 60 The Wondering Mind

Galleri Schaeffersgate 5, Oslo, Norway


July-August 2016

60 x 60 The Wondering Mind

Galeria U lavky Praha, Czech Republic


May 2016

60 x 60 The Wondering Mind

International Plastic Art Exhibition, Iasi, Romania


April 2016

60 x 60 The Wondering Mind

DANUBIUS International Print Biennial, Tulcea, Romania


February 2016

60 x 60 The Wondering Mind

International Print Triennial, Alexandria, Romania


January 2016

60 x 60 The Wondering Mind

Rakursi Gallery, Sofia Bulgaria


November 2015

60 x 60 l’Eloge du Cercle

La Fondation Biermans Lapotre, Paris, France


November 2015

60 x 60 The Wondering Mind

The Tailors’ Tower, Cluj Napoca, Romania


June 2015

60 x 60 The Wondering Mind

Gallery Liu Shuohai, Tianjin, China


April 2015

60 x 60 The Wondering Mind

House of Art, Piestany, Slovakia


March 2015

60 x 60 The Wondering Mind

Galerie Epreuve d’Artiste, Antwerp, Belgium







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