Born 1952 / Teplic, Czech Republic
1967 – 1971 Secondary School of Applied Arts, Prague, Czech Republic
1973 – 1979 College of Applied Arts, Department of Printmaking and Illustration, Studio Prof Z. Sklenář and J. Mikula, Prague, Czech Republic
Member, Union of Czech Visual Artists
Member, Hollar – Association of Czech Printmakers, Prague, Czech Republic
Since 1982 he is a holder of more than 30 awards in Czech Republic and abroad for printmaking and ex libris.
Awards (selected)
1982 Interexlibris, Frederikshavn, Denmark
1985 Small Graphic Forms, Lodž, Poland
1986 1st Prize, Dürer in Ex libris, Nürnberg, Germany
1986, 1987 Honorary Award, 2nd, 3rd International Exhibition of Miniprints, Toronto, Canada
1988 Honorary Award, 2nd International Triennial of Mezzotint, Sopoty, Poland
1991 Award of the City of Sint-Niklaas, International Biennial of Ex libris, Belgium
1996 Honorable Mention and 2nd Award, the Best Collection of Ex libris, 16th Biennial of Ex libris, Malbork, Poland
2005 Grand Prix, 11th International Graphic Competition for Ex libris Gliwice, 2005
2005 Grand Prix, 11th Triennial of Czech Ex libris
2009 3rd Prize, 27th Biennial, Malbork, Poland
2011 2nd Prize, 28th Biennial, Malbork, Poland
2013 1st Prize, 29th International Biennial of Modern Ex libris, Malbork, Poland
Since 1986 more than 120 solo exhibitions and more than 140 group exhibitions in Czech Republic, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Italy, USA, France, the Netherlands, UK, Japan, China. His artworks are in public and in various private collections worldwide. He makes prints, paintings, ex libris and drawing.
He lives in Poděbrady, Czech Republic.
Contact: brazda.jiri@centrum.cz